Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas hats and masks!

We went to the Prince Music Theatre in Philly for "Harold and the Purple Crayon," and made masks at the workshop after the show. Here's Johanna, Mira's cousin, with Mira at the mask-making table.
Sam's dancing with his mask on.
Elsa, Mira ans Sam's other Swedish cousin, just wanted to dance.
Mira's mask.
Johanna, Mira, Sam and Elsa, wearing their masks.
Cowboy hats were the other theme for Christmas this year.
Who knew that Grandpap Vento had his own Cowboy hat too!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kelly and Andrew's Wedding in Pittsburgh

Our niece Kelly got married on November 7th, 2009, at the chapel at Duquesne University. We had a great time celebrating with the whole Fuhrman and Vento clans!

Our new nephew-in-law is the affable Mr. Andrew Kearns.

Our daughter Mira is the flower girl on the right.

The other flower girl was Grace, the groom's niece.

Dolores, mother of the bride, and Kelly.

Our son Sam got to dance with the bride too.

If this looks like a blurry photo of us, think of it as a view from the bar! Seriously, it was a great time, and we are proud of Kelly and Andrew! Congratulations!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sam's birthday party at Pine Creek Railroad

We hosted a party in the old station house of the Pine Creek Railroad in Allaire State Park.

Crafts first...

Then line up for a tour of the train yard.

Summer came back for the weekend- October 4!!

Sam and his buddy Christopher.

Prepare to indulge!

Sam and Mira blowing on their wooden train whistles.

Mira was an awesome big sister all day!

When's that train leaving the station?

Toot, toot! Come see us again!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Visit to Lehigh University

On a recent rainy Sunday afternoon, we visited Lehigh University where our niece Holly is a luminous presence on campus. We love you, Holly.
We love LOVE sculptures, too!
Hanging out at the Asa Packer statue. Mr. Packer founded the university.
Standing in the Alumni Hall courtyard.
Power to the little people!!
Yes, there is an obligation for every Linderman to go to the Linderman Library at Lehigh and stand, in the spitting rain, next to the sign that frames that hallowed name. FYI, Asa Packer's daughter married a Linderman (no relation to me) and then died, prompting him to build the library as a memorial.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Sprayground

It's hot. There's water coming out from everywhere, and it's cool. This is good.
This water park is part of the Monmouth County Park System.
I spy Daddy taking my picture, and...he's dry! Get him!
Mira and Sam like to dunk their faces in the troughs of water. Here, I caught them coming up for air.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We traveled to Pittsburgh for cousin Kelly's (second from right) bridal shower. Also pictured here are Andrew (the groom) and cousin Holly. Mira will be a flower girl in the November wedding, something she is very excited about.
Aunt Mary from Maryland is always good for a bunch of hugs, too!
Mira showing off a ballet move; looks a bit like super girl.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome Aunt Bonna!

Michael's Aunt Bonna came to visit the Jersey Shore from Tennessee! In this picture are Lisel and Martin, Bonna, and Johann and Michael. A storm is whipping up the bay behind us as this pic was taken.
Newbie bakers...yes, M and the kids made zucchini bread, with zucchinis from Grandpap Vento's garden. Mira and Sam are pros, but Michael is not. He's really so amazed that it turned out at all!
Aunt Bonna with her grand-nephew and nieces, Sam, Mira, Elsa and Johanna.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jersey Shore, July 2009

Aunt Lisel (Michael's sister) and her family, Uncle Martin and cousins Johanna and Elsa, came all the way from Stockholm on their annual pilgrimage to the Jersey Shore in July/August. These trips are much anticipated by everyone, especially the kids. Sun, fun, a hot grill and cold beer. What could be bad?

Sam with cousins Maria and Frankie

Maria, Frankie, and Sam at Michael's graduation party, July, 2009.

Girls we love - Mira and her friends and cousins

At Michael's graduation party in July, Mira posed with some of her friends and cousins. Pictured are Mira, flanked by her cousins Elsa (in front) and Johanna, and then Gabriella and Miri.

Video: Our Lady leads the procession

Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

On the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the Monmouth Co. Italian-American Assoc. sponsored a procession in Freehold. We joined the church service, and then the procession through town, which ended up at the carnival. Mira is holding up her homemade banner, a picture of the Holy Family, with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus in the manger.

Pomp, and two circumstances

Family LindermanVento had 2 big graduations this Spring. Mira graduated from the Freehold Village Montessori School in June, and Michael got his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in May. Yes, there was much rejoicing.