Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jersey Shore, July 2009

Aunt Lisel (Michael's sister) and her family, Uncle Martin and cousins Johanna and Elsa, came all the way from Stockholm on their annual pilgrimage to the Jersey Shore in July/August. These trips are much anticipated by everyone, especially the kids. Sun, fun, a hot grill and cold beer. What could be bad?

Sam with cousins Maria and Frankie

Maria, Frankie, and Sam at Michael's graduation party, July, 2009.

Girls we love - Mira and her friends and cousins

At Michael's graduation party in July, Mira posed with some of her friends and cousins. Pictured are Mira, flanked by her cousins Elsa (in front) and Johanna, and then Gabriella and Miri.

Video: Our Lady leads the procession

Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

On the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the Monmouth Co. Italian-American Assoc. sponsored a procession in Freehold. We joined the church service, and then the procession through town, which ended up at the carnival. Mira is holding up her homemade banner, a picture of the Holy Family, with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus in the manger.

Pomp, and two circumstances

Family LindermanVento had 2 big graduations this Spring. Mira graduated from the Freehold Village Montessori School in June, and Michael got his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in May. Yes, there was much rejoicing.

Trip to the Mountains

Here we are on the scenic ridge overlooking the town of Port Jarvis, NY, in early June, 2009. The "mountain" in the distance is Highpoint, NJ.

(Bunny and Samantha, with their respective handlers, also enjoyed the view.)