Monday, August 17, 2009

The Sprayground

It's hot. There's water coming out from everywhere, and it's cool. This is good.
This water park is part of the Monmouth County Park System.
I spy Daddy taking my picture, and...he's dry! Get him!
Mira and Sam like to dunk their faces in the troughs of water. Here, I caught them coming up for air.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We traveled to Pittsburgh for cousin Kelly's (second from right) bridal shower. Also pictured here are Andrew (the groom) and cousin Holly. Mira will be a flower girl in the November wedding, something she is very excited about.
Aunt Mary from Maryland is always good for a bunch of hugs, too!
Mira showing off a ballet move; looks a bit like super girl.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome Aunt Bonna!

Michael's Aunt Bonna came to visit the Jersey Shore from Tennessee! In this picture are Lisel and Martin, Bonna, and Johann and Michael. A storm is whipping up the bay behind us as this pic was taken.
Newbie bakers...yes, M and the kids made zucchini bread, with zucchinis from Grandpap Vento's garden. Mira and Sam are pros, but Michael is not. He's really so amazed that it turned out at all!
Aunt Bonna with her grand-nephew and nieces, Sam, Mira, Elsa and Johanna.