Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our Summer Money Pit projects

Replaced plywood under siding. Check.

Rip up wall-to-wall and re-do floors...


Buy nice textiles for floor and wall. Check.

Family Pics, Summer 2010

Jo and Sam hangin' in Montclair, NJ, June '10.

Mira and Mike

Mike's parents with their grandkids, Seaside Park, NJ, July '10.

The Linderman clan (Picture taken at Mike's Dad's 50th anniversary of Ordination party).

Cousins' lunch break from the beach.

Summer Fun 2010

Time for pancakes!!

Together for a Summer beach holiday. From left, Elsa and Johanna, from Sweden, and Mira and Sam.

Fancy girls in a fancy restaurant.

Sam as the Masked Man

Forget about 'fancy'....

Mira's piano recital in June.

Yes I can cook. Sort of.

Mira's got the blues...

Sam's into fine apparel.